Hi I’m Allison Strickland,

I’m an oracular artist exploring the bridge between the Spiritual and Material through abstract painting. I create Meditation Paintings, a series of intuitively created, mantra based, intentional artworks. You can read more about those here. I’ve come to realize that my art practice informs my spiritual practice and the other way around, and that ultimately they really aren’t that different. I believe we all have the ability to connect directly with the unseen, and the divine creative force that moves us all. AND I believe that ability is actually wildly human. That this big messy experience (life) is not something to be transcended, but something to relish and delight in for as long as we get to be here. I’m interested in mysticism that swears and wears a t-shirt and jeans, who doesn’t take it all too seriously, but remains sincere too. I’m curious about beauty…true beauty, the kind that encompases the all. Beauty that moves beyond being good and into being whole. If you’ve found me here, I suspect you are too.

Welcome to:

For people who want to live artfully and explore the spiritual undercurrent of a very human life, where we can find beauty, and direct connection to Spirit - Spoiler - it’s a process.

But look, we’ve found each other, a fellow wanderer on the path. And that makes it all easier doesn’t it.

Think of this as a regular studio visit with me. We’ll sit on the floor on my paint splattered linen cushions and talk about our healthy appetite for life and strong curiosity for what’s beyond it.

What you get with Maquette:

Once or twice a month I’ll share what’s inspiring me, stories, what I’m creating, and what I’m practicing.

Why once or twice a month? Because I believe in space to breathe, contemplation, and integration - and while sometimes we get lightning bolt epiphanies often that stands on a ripening over time. I believe slow is the fast way. And that to be a prolific creator isn’t just about quantity of output but about the lasting impact of what we create. ie Overnight success is a scam - let’s free ourselves from that!

For now, I am choosing to not put anything behind a paywall.

I had a friend read my first draft of this section and she said “it’s not your job to explain capitalism, and frankly, you’re not very good at it.” All of that is very funny and very true, so I’ll keep this brief.

I don’t want money to be a barrier AND I want to be in right relationship. I think an opt-in of some kind is important for this space to feel good (for both of us/each of us/all of us). Some posts I’ll make available to all, and my more intimate shares will be sent to subscribers only. Everyone who signs up will receive the same thing. I trust that I’ll figure this out as I go. For now:

Free Subscribers: Thank you for being here. Your attention, energy, and email is a currency. Welcome.

Monthly Subscribers: Thank you for being here. Your attention, energy, and email is a currency. You’d like to send me a matcha once a month cause I love them and they make me happy. Welcome.

Annual Subscribers/Founding Members: Thank you for being here. Your attention, energy, and email is a currency. You’d like to send me an art book (or two!) a year because I love them and they make me happy. Welcome.

I think it’s important to name, I’m not offering this in this way because I have loads of free time and money (I swear I’m not going to try and explain capitalism!) however, I think the only way to re-learn and remember to be in loving and generous interdependence again is with opportunities to practice it. Sometimes that’s in the form of money and sometimes it’s in other ways. Let’s agree to give what feels good, for however long it feels good.

Your Fellow Wanderer,

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for fellow creative, sensitive, and very human seekers. Sharing inside my art practice and philosophies, with particular interest in bridging the Spiritual and Material, connecting to inner wisdom, intuition, and making life art.


Oracular artist exploring the bridge between the Spiritual and Material through abstract painting. My art practice informs my spiritual practice and the other way around, and ultimately, they really aren’t that different.